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I Master Academy LALICS/YSI-INET/CSIC-UdelaR

I Master Academy LALICS/YSI-INET/CSIC-UdelaR

Start time:

September 11, 2019 - September 17, 2019



Universidad de la República, Communication and Information Faculty, Montevideo, Montevideo Department




I Master Academy LALICS/YSI-INET/UdelaR: “Knowledge and innovation for an inclusive and sustainable development”

ATTENTION: Deadline for applications has been extended to June 7, 2019.

LALICS (www.lalics.org) is the Latin American chapter of the Globelics Network (Global Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation, and Competence Building Systems, www.globelics.org). It gathers scientists and researchers engaged in the study of the innovation processes, learning processes and capacity building, and their linkage to development national and regional innovation systems, according to region specificities in Latin America and The Caribbean. LALICS reaches more than 350 researchers and postgraduate students in this research field. It is a community that is consolidated already, but it keeps growing.
LALICS has organized a series of events for PhD students: LALICS Academy 2013 in Rio de Janeiro, LALICS-YSI Academy 2018 in Mexico, LALICS Doctoral Forums in 2017 and 2018 in Mexico City and in 2018 in Buenos Aires. This will be the first academy exclusively addressed to master’s students.

The Academy consists of a school whose objective is to contribute to the strengthening Master students’ skills for the development of their theses, both at the theoretical and empirical level, in topics related to the analysis of innovation and development processes in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to the areas of interest of LALICS (http://www.lalics.org/research-topics/):

  • Public Policies Science, Technology and Innovation.
  • Management of Innovation and knowledge.
  • Internationalization of Science, Technology and Innovation.
  • Innovation, Growth, Development and Inclusion.
  • Learning, Knowledge and Scientific and Technological Capabilities.
  • Social Studies on Science, Technology and Innovation.

The Academy represents an opportunity to generate instances of training and exchange between master students from Latin America and the Caribbean, and thereby facilitate the construction of academic spaces for interaction and cooperation between students and academics in the region. The aim is to increase and strengthen regional capacities oriented towards the construction of research agendas and the development of STI public policies committed to socially inclusive, economically sustainable and environmentally sustainable development.

Structure of the event
The Academy will elapse for six days of intense work, from the 11th to 17th of September 2019, from 9:00 a.m. to 18:00 p.m., representing a total of 48 hours of classroom work. The Academy comprises three major activities:

  • Presentation of theses.
  • Seminars with academics and specialists to discuss relevant topics for the region.
  • Workshops for students to work in groups and present the results obtained.

The program will have an important content of classes, seminars and workshops dictated by academic members of the network. Additionally, students will work in teams, from the first day and according to instructions given by the academic committee, and will present results on the final day of the Academy.
The mornings will be destined to classes or seminars, the first hours of the afternoons will be of teamwork, and a senior scholar from the network will close each day with a conference. Some of these conferences will be open to the Uruguayan academic community.

How to Apply
In order to apply to the Academy please submit:

(i) A recommendation letter –free format- from one professor enrolled in the Master program, stating his/her support to the student’s participation in the Master Academy.

(ii) An abstract of the thesis project. The abstract should have the following specifications:
a. Language: we accept abstracts in English, Spanish or Portuguese.
b. Extension: not larger than 10 pages. Font: Times New Roman, size 12, and 2.5 cm margins (both left and right).
c. Structure:
i. Cover page (Title, student’s name, supervisor’s name, and affiliation).
ii. Objectives and/or research questions.
iii. Literature Review.
iv. Methodology.
v. Preliminary results.
vi. Future research possibilities.

Both documents should be sent to academiamaestrialalics@gmail.com, with the following subject:
“Applicant’s name – Country where he/she does his/her Master Academy 2019”

The scientific committee will evaluate all applications and select the participants.

Important Dates

  • Deadline for abstracts: June 7, 2019
  • List of selected participants: July 7, 2019

Travel stipend and accommodation
For selected students residing outside Montevideo, the Academy will provide accommodation from September 10, 2019 to September 17, 2019 (7 nights). Travel costs will be partially reimbursed depending on availability of funds. Students who need support for travel costs should specify it in the application including an estimation of the travel costs. Please indicate the route, airline and requested
support from the Academy.

Scientific Committee

Cecilia Tomassini, PhD (UdelaR, Uruguay)
Cristiano Santos, MSc (UFRJ, Brasil)
Danilo Spinola, PhD (UNU-Merit, Países Bajos)
Diana Suárez, PhD (UNGS, Argentina)
Darío Vazquez, MSc (UNSAM, Argentina)
Gabriela Dutrénit, PhD (UAM, México)
Hernán Morero, PhD (UNC, Argentina)
Jana Schmutzler, PhD (Uninorte, Colombia)
João Marcos Hausmann Tavares, PhD (UFF, Brasil)
José Miguel Natera, PhD (UAM, México)
Judith Sutz, PhD (UdelaR, Uruguay)
Marcelo Matos, PhD (UFRJ, Brasil)
Natalia Gras, PhD (UdelaR, Uruguay)
Walter Ruiz, PhD (UN, Colombia)

Organizing Committee:
Alejandro Vignolo (UdelaR, Uruguay)
Carlos Bianchi (UdelaR, Uruguay)
Claudia Cohanoff (UdelaR, Uruguay)
Isabel Bortagaray (UdelaR, Uruguay)
Lucía Simón (UdelaR, Uruguay)
Santiago Alzugaray (UdelaR, Uruguay)

Appointed Professors
The following scholars were consulted and agreed to collaborate with the Academy: Judith Sutz (UdelaR, Uruguay), Rodrigo Arocena (UdelaR, Uruguay), Lucía Pittaluga (UdelaR, Uruguay), Luis Bértola (UdelaR, Uruguay), Isabel Bortagaray (UdelaR, Uruguay), Carlos Bianchi (UdelaR, Uruguay), Michele Snoeck (UdelaR, Uruguay), Diego Aboal (UdelaR, Uruguay), Javier Taks (UdelaR, Uruguay), Cecilia Tomassini (UdelaR, Uruguay), Natalia Gras (UdelaR, Uruguay), José Miguel Natera (UAM, Mexico), Gabriela Dutrénit (UAM, Mexico), Ismael Rafols (INGENIO, Spain), Carlos Federico Rocha (UFRJ, Brasil), Hernán Morero (UNC, Argentina).

Supporting institutions

  • CSIC-UdelaR
  • Maestría en Economía de la FCEA-UdelaR

Hosted by Working Group(s):