Conference in Ibadan – call for interest

Dear all,

I write you to express my interest in volunteering to work on the
conference organized by the Africa Working Group and the History of
Economic Thought Working Group in Ibadan, Nigeria in April 2019.

I am a PhD student in economics at the Félix Houphouet-Boigny University of
Cocody-Abidjan in Ivory Coast. I am in West Africa and I think I could help.

I have attended the YSI regional conference held in Harare from 16 to 18
August, I have worked in the working groups of Economic Development and
Gender and Economics.

All the best


Sonia L. DASSE

Phd Candidate in Economics

Felix Houphouet Boigny University of Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

Development Economist, specialty: Innovation, Firm and Gender