Webinar tomorrow – Brazilian Economic History

hello sounds exciting –some questions- is there a bookmark to register- do you know theresa williamson catcomm hubs in rio or mary young the number 1 educator i can find linking education brazil-china or bedy yang the number 1 veuture capitaist linking brazil and china women enrepreneurs see 500women hub- who is the movement you most trust to raise your issues at argentina g20 – who in rome do you most trust given that franciscan paulo freire is epicentral to bottom up girls education around the world – i know sir fazle abed the nunber 1 living practitioner of girls livelihood empowered by pauli freire -sir fazle was also george soros 20th open society laureate- which networks around you linkin with pope francis most urgent social action networks chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk norman macrae foundation journalists for ending poverty www.normanmacrae.net washingtondc whats app 240 316 8157