Next Study Group / webinar: The evolution of capitalism – 20th FEB, reading Kurz, Drucker, Schumpeter & Keynes

This study group aims to reflect on international economic growth, sustainable development and the evolution of economic thinking around capitalism and enterprise through the analysis of a selected multidisciplinary bibliography. It is aimed at historian, political scientists and economist at a post-doc or PhD level who have an interest in the role of enterprises in economic growth, wealth creation and redistribution. The study group has for objective the establishment of a multidisciplinary syllabus and bibliography on legal, economic and political issues in a historical perspective on the problem of capitalism, international development and economic growth.

AT EVERY MEETING, PARTICIPANTS DISCUSS A BOOK CHAPTER OR PAPER READ BEFOREHAND. If you need help accessing the material, please contact Marta Musso ( or mate Rigo (

At the end of each meeting participants will decide what to read next. The study group meets fortnightly in Florence, Italy, because it is co-organized by Max Weber Fellows at the European University Institute and byt the YSI-INET ECONOMIC HISTORY WORKING GROUP. If you are around, please contact Marta Musso ( or mate Rigo ( and join us. Otherwise, please join us on online through (just go to the link

Access Code: 919-667-581

Calendar: every other Monday, at 6.45pm CET

This week we will discuss: Eichengreen, Barry. Globalizing Capital : A History of the International Monetary System (ch.1,2 and conclusions)