3rd Conference on Development Planning “Julio H.G. Olivera”

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the 3rd edition of the Conference on Development Planning "Julio H.G. Olivera". The Conference is jointly organized by several Argentinian universities, YSI-INET and the EPOG program, and it aims to consolidate an active space for transformative research, education and debate among researchers, teachers and students united by the vocation to build an equitable, developed, plural and democratic society. The Conference will feature guest speakers, multiplying the possibilities for debate and exchange in a pluralistic, broad and inclusive framework.
This year, the Conference will be divided into two parts. During July, a webinar series will be held where prominent speakers will discuss the main global and Latin American challenges facing the pandemic and the post-pandemic era. On the other hand, a hybrid (face-to-face and online) conference will be held in Buenos Aires in December. Details and the call for papers for this second event will be announced during the webinar series.

Olivera Conference – July Sessions

July 16th, 2021
14:00 UTC/GMT (11:00 AM Argentina)


  • Maria Savona (University of Sussex)
  • Ursula Huws (University of Hertfordshire)
    Chair: Juan Martín Graña (Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET)

Session II: ‘‘Cambio Climático: los desafíos ecológicos para el desarrollo económico y social”

July 23rd, 2021
14:00 UTC/GMT (11:00 AM Argentina)

The session will be carried out in Spanish


  • Inés Camilloni (Universidad de Buenos Aires/CONICET)
  • Luciana Ghiotto (Universidad Nacional de San Martín/CONICET)
  • Guillermo Peinado (Universidad Nacional de Rosario)
    Chair: Verónica Robert (Universidad Nacional de San Martín/CONICET)

Session III: ‘‘The State and geopolitics in a post-pandemic world”

July 30th, 2021
14:00 UTC/GMT (11:00 AM Argentina)


  • Jayati Ghosh (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
  • Victor Ramiro Fernández (Universidad Nacional del Litoral/CONICET)
  • Adam Tooze (Columbia University)
    Chair: Pablo Bortz (Universidad Nacional del Oeste/CONICET)

Further information: https://conferenciaolivera.wordpress.com/


Looking forward to seeing you there!

Organizing committee