YSI Virtual Plenary – Economics of Innovation – Call for Papers & Abstracts

Dear all,
We are pleased to announce that the Economics of Innovation Working Group is welcoming papers and abstracts for the YSI Virtual Plenary that will take place from 6 to 15 November 2020.
The Economics of Innovation Working Group views innovation as central to the process of economic development, growth and transformation. We study how economic actors, policies, technology, and market conditions interact and evolve over time. In this sense, the Covid-19 crisis has brought the economics of innovation under the spotlight. From the development of potential vaccines to the use of digital ‘track-and-trace’ technologies and the role of ‘Big Data’ in pandemic economic planning, societies around the world are once again questioning the relationship between states, markets, and technological development.
We welcome contributions from young scholars working across the economics of innovation and its related approaches, methodologies, and perspectives. We want the event to include a wide range of topics, especially the challenges of innovation arising from the pandemic crisis.
You’re welcome to submit work on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  1. Innovation challenges to face the Covid-19 pandemic.
  2. Innovation and development.
  3. Innovation financing.
  4. Industrial, innovation, and science & technology policies.
  5. Open innovation, private-public collaborations; international collaborations for innovation.
  6. Technological change, ‘Industry 4.0’ & future of work.
  7. Measures of innovation.
  8. Sectorial-oriented studies, such as health, energy, green industries, etc.

Deadline for submissions: 15 August 2020

How to submit:

  1. Make sure you’re a member of YSI (ysi.ineteconomics.org)
  2. Submit your work to the Economics of Innovation Working Group via the application portal

Questions concerning this call may be sent to: innovation@youngscholarsinitiative.org