New Webinar Series on the Digital Economy

The Economics of Innovation WG and the Financial Stability WG are launching a webinar series on "The Digital Economy".

The objective of this webinar series is to discuss the Digital Economy and its implication in several fronts: Technology/Innovation, Currency/Finance (including financial stability risks), Law/Politics (e.g. taxes), Society (i.e labor market implications). The Innovation and Financial Stability Working Groups are co-organizing the sessions, which are open to all working groups and young scholars interested to join the debate in those fronts or other aspects related to the Digital Economy that are interesting for discussion.

The preliminary list of topics that the sessions will cover is:

  • Central Bank Digital Currencies
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Fintech
  • Blockchain
  • E-Commerce
  • Taxation in Digital Economy
  • Labor Market Digitisation
    The first webinar will be with Professor Sheila Dow, with the title "Monetary Reform, Central Banks and Digital Currencies" on June 21st, 19:30 CEST.
    To join please click here
    If you are aware of experts in any of these topics (or others related to the Digital Economy) that could potentially present at our webinar series, please send an email to both Working Group organizers: ,

Looking forward to seeing you online!