LALICS-YSI INET Academy 2018 Nov 3–9, 2018 , Mexico City, Mexico

Dear Young Scholars

The Latin America’s Knowledge Systems, Innovation and Capacity Building Research Network (LALICS), together with the Young Scholars Initiative – Institute for New Economic Thinking (YSI INET) and the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM), Mexico, initiate the call for papers to the I LALICS-YSI INET Academy (Academy).

The Academy consists of a school whose objective is to improve PhD students’ skills for the development of their thesis. Our focus is on teaching and discussing theoretical and empirical methods related to the innovation processes in Latin America and the Caribbean and how these are linked to the economic development of the region. The Academy offers the opportunity to connect students to a research community integrated by high profile Latin American and international researchers.
The Academy comprises three major activities

1) Presentation of theses.
2) Workshops on quantitative and qualitative methodologies.
3) Discussions on relevant topics for the region.

Students accepted in the Academy will be able to participate in the LALICS 2018 International Conference – Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Challenges to solve national problems: Discussing the Latin American and Caribbean experiences. The students will be able to interact with a broader network of researchers from the LALICS community.

How to Apply
In order to apply to the Academy please submit:
1) One recommendation letter –free format- from the PhD supervisor, stating his/her support to the student’s participation in the Academy.
2) An abstract of the thesis project.

The abstract should have the following specifications:
Language: we accept abstracts in English, Spanish or Portuguese.
Extension: not larger than 10 pages. Font: Times New Roman, size 12, and 2.5 cm margins (both left and right)
Cover page (Title, student’s name, supervisor’s name, and affiliation)
Objectives and/or research questions
Literature Review
Preliminary results
Future research possibilities.
Submission Deadline: 30 June 2018

All documents should be sent to *,* with the following subject: “Applicant’s name – Country where he/she does his/her PhD – LALICS YSI INET ACADEMY 2018”

The scientific committee will evaluate all applications and select the participants.
Important Dates
Deadline for abstracts: 30th of June, 2018
List of selected participants: 20th of July, 2018

Travel stipend and accommodation
The Academy will provide accommodation to all selected participants from the 2nd to the 10th of November (8 nights in total). Accommodation consists of shared rooms with breakfast included (except for students living in Mexico City). Travel costs will be partially reimbursed depending on availability of funds. Students who need support for travel costs should specify it in the application including an estimation of the travel costs. Please indicate the route, airline and quote.

Further inquiries:, or

on behalf of the Innovation Working Group