YSI Economics of Innovation WG and Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance are organizing the annual conveing of the Innovation Working Group under the event:

Conference for young scholars “Innovation, Institutions and Governance’

16 – 19 September 2017

Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia


Capitalist economies are dynamic systems that evolve while putting into motion structural, technological, and socio-political changes. Not only Veblen believed that Economics is an evolutionary science but also Sombart, Schmoller, Marx, Schumpeter, Nelson and to some extent Keynes, Braudel, Galbraith among others. Yet, the recognition of historical nature of capitalist configurations and of interdependence between various spheres (economy, polity, society) keeps being disregarded by 'self-regulated market' ideology. To move away from such a constraining vision we seek to bring together scholars working on various types and aspects of innovation, which is a multi-faceted phenomenon.

The Boot Camp format of the conference is interactive and besides presentation of papers by participants includes 2.5h workshops with such leading scholars of innovation as Carlota Perez (London School of Economics/Tallinn University of Technology), Erik S. Reinert (Tallinn University of Technology/The Other Canon Foundation), Dan Breznitz (University of Toronto), William Janeway (Warburg Pincus/Cambridge University), and round tables with local policy-makers and representatives from local business community to address topics discussed at the workshops from policy perspectives.

The conference welcomes contributions from any field in economics and related disciplines, which address (but not limited to) the following issues in particular:

1) Institutional and organizational dimension

Innovation and organizational learning
Financing of innovation
Financial innovations
Labor studies and innovation
Development and innovation

2) Historical dimension
How can we study epochal innovations?
Business history of innovation
Development and innovation

3) Policy and governance dimension

The making of STI policies
National agencies in charge of innovation
EU innovation policies and Smart Specialization

                Submission of abstracts (500 words): May 1
                Submission of applications for travel stipends: May 1
                Notification of acceptance: May
                Notification regarding travel stipends: May
                Submission of full papers: August 1

Please submit your abstract via the following link

Practicalities: accommodation is provided to all participants during 16-19 September (3 nights); limited amount of travel stipends will be distributed on competitive basis (based on quality of an abstract) to those participants who are not able to obtain travel funding from other sources.

For inquiries please contact the organizers: Besiana Balla (, Laurène Tran (, Olga Mikheeva (