4th Africa Young Scholars Workshop on Co-operatives 2022

The Young Scholars Initiative in Collaboration with the Global Communities (USAID-CLEAR Program) and The Co-operative University of Kenya will host the 4th Africa Young Scholars Workshop on Co-operatives 2022 under the theme “Platform Co-operativism: The Role of Worker Cooperatives in the Post Covid-19 Recovery” will bring together young professionals and development practitioners from the African region. The event will facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas amongst youth, promote networking among them and other professionals in the field of co-operatives and also strengthen youth participation in the debates on co-operative development.
We invite young scholars between the age of 20 to 35 years, working, studying or researching on cooperatives to submit abstracts for presentation under the following themes:

  1. Supply chains recovery options for building resilience to future shocks
    • Covid-19 impact on supply-chain
    • Options to address the fragilities which Covid-19 pandemic has exposed in supply chains
    • Supply-chain strategies and restructuring adopted by businesses
    • Ability of SSE organization to anticipate, prepare for, respond to and adapt to sudden disruptions;
    • Recovery options which SSEOs can adapt to ensure resilience of supply chains to future disruptions.

  2. ICT in catalyzing economic recovery and building back better from impacts of covid-19 * • ICT-based innovations and applications as a tool against the COVID-19 crisis
    • ICT and infodemic
    • Opportunities for application of ICT to promote economic recovery
    • Role of ICT in recovery and building back better to ensure the resilience***

  3. Strategic thinking as a pillar in economic recovery and building back better
    • Place of strategic recovery planning in recovery and building back better
    • Approaches SSEOs can adopt to institutionalize strategic thinking to safeguard against future shocks

  4. The Role of Worker Cooperatives in the Post Covid-19 Recovery
    • Worker Cooperatives in the Post Covid-19 Recovery
    • Resilience of worker cooperatives to shocks
    • Factors affecting development of worker cooperatives
    • Measures to be undertaken for worker cooperatives to provide a pathway to post Covid-19 recovery.

Prospective workshop participants are expected to submit an abstract (maximum of 300 words) of their paper to: coop@youngscholarsinitiative.org and copy abstracts@cuk.ac.ke by 1st July 2022. (please code name your file 4TH AFRICA YSI WORKSHOP@CUK22)