Apply (deadline March 23) Young Scholars Workshop – Scholarships available

The ICA CCR Young Scholars Program, the Young Scholars Initiative Working Group on Cooperatives and Cooperation, and Wageningen University & Research are jointly convening a workshop on Cooperatives and Cooperation on July 3rd and 4th in Wageningen, Netherlands.

The objective of the workshop is to give young scholars from different disciplines the opportunity to develop further knowledge and skills on current issues on Cooperatives as well as to give space for networking and exchange.

In the morning, two well-known scientists from the field of Cooperative science will give a keynote speech. The speeches are given by Prof. Murray Fulton (“Some thoughts on cooperative governance”) and Prof. N.N., and are followed by discussion. In the afternoon, participants will split up in parallel groups to discuss and work on a scientific case study. Results of the parallel groups will be brought back in plenary at the end of the workshop. A synthesis of the workshop results will be presented at the ICA conference.

The workshop will be preceded by a dinner and networking opportunity on Tuesday evening, 3rd of July. In the aftermath of the workshop on July 4th, Young Scholars are encouraged to participate in the ICA Research Conference, which starts on the evening of 4 July – to 6 July in Wageningen (

We are looking for young scholars, in particular PhD students, whose own research deals with or touches upon cooperative topics, such as resilience and sustainability of current and new cooperative models, governance of cooperatives, producer organizations in agriculture and natural resources, financial performance of cooperatives, and statistics and big data on cooperatives. The workshop will require reading preparation in advance and active engagement with the work of others during the workshop so we use the workshop to advance our research.

Registration, Costs, and Scholarships

To participate in the workshop, please register here until lastest May 15.

Workshop fees are 30 Euros per participant from Europe, North America & Australia to cover the meals (one dinner, one lunch & coffee break). Students from developing countries are free of charge.

We offer a limited number of travel stipends and accommodation allowance (double bedroom to be shared with another participant). Candidates applying for scholarships will be selected on the basis of motivation and research topic.

To apply for a travel stipend and accommodation allowance, register [here]) by latest March 21 2018. Applicants will be notified by April 15. Candidates applying for scholarships will be selected on the basis of motivation and research topic.

Travel Stipend

We offer a limited number of travel stipends:

Students from Europe

Up to €150

Students North America and Australia

Up to €300

Students from the rest of the world

Up to €500


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us:

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Julia, Annemarie, Filippos, Paola, Natalia & Esther
Organizing Committee