Our First Webinar Series: Putting Research to Work – January, 16 2018

Webinar Series: Putting Research to Work. An Example of Applying Academic Knowledge to Serve the Social Economy Sector

The YSI Working Group on Cooperatives & Cooperation is delighted to launch its webinar series of 2018. We will host our first webinar with Paul Thompson (University of Saskatchewan) on

Tuesday, 16 January 2018, 5 pm CEST / 9:30 pm IST

To access the webinar, please click here: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/980220637

How can scientific knowledge serve communities?

As young scholars, we might be concerned with not only engaging the research community but also in how our work can improve the life of people. Rather than maintaining a separation between researchers and the community, join us to hear Paul Thompson’s approach to putting research to work and how researchers and the community can engage one another in the process.
First, Paul will introduce a MOOC course on the Governance of Cooperatives which he developed and which was successfully launched on October 2017 with more than 490 participants around the globe. In a second step, he will share with us the process of transforming theory and the latest research, including the community-based research at his research center, into a practical course and plain language. Finally, we will open up the forum for a discussion. If you have yourself questions how to shift towards community-based research, or just how to make research results and knowledge useful for a wider audience, this will be your moment to ask questions and learn from Paul and our working group.

Reading Recommendation (optional):
Jurgenson, Nathan (2012): Making our Ideas More Accessible, Inside Hidher Ed. . Community-based participatory research, Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE.

Biography of Paul Thompson

Paul is a Research Officer at the Centre for the Study of Co-operatives at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon, Canada. He has spent his career as an educator at the secondary and post-secondary level. At the Centre, he has drawn on an educational background in philosophy, education, and public administration to develop a practical course on governance in co-operatives deliver as a massive, open, online course. As a graduate student, Paul has also completed research projects on gender narratives in secondary English curricula, and budgeting strategies for public research universities.

Speaker: Paul Thompson, Research Officer at the Center for the Study of Co-operatives
University of Saskatchewan, via paul.thompson@usask.ca

Group coordinators: Holly Stephens & Esther M. Schmitt via coop@youngscholarsinitiative.org

We hope to welcome many of you!!

Holly & Esther