YSI Virtual Plenary – Gender and Economics Working Group Call for Abstracts

Dear all,

We are happy to share with you the Gender and Economics Working Group Call for Papers & Abstracts for the YSI Virtual Plenary that will take place from 6 to 15 November 2020.

We look forward to seeing you!

The YSI Gender Economics Working Group focuses on gender issues in a critical, transnational and interdisciplinary perspective. Please join us at the YSI Plenary to discuss the state of the field and the gendered impact of COVID-19.

Track A

The YSI Gender and Economic Working Group welcomes work on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  1. Paid and Unpaid Work
  2. Macroeconomics, Development and Economic Growth
  3. Intersectionality and Diversity
  4. Feminist epistemology and economic thinking, Gender and Economics teaching
  5. Other relevant topics in Gender and Economics

Track B

Discover/Uncover a great feminist economist! Propose the name and a bio of a feminist economic thinker who has done great work on the field in your country (or other!) and you believe is not very well known* (500 words) and be ready to introduce her/
him/them to others.

*If you find her/his/their bio easily online in more than one language, she/he/they does not fit the "not very well known" criteria.

Deadline for submissions:
15 August 2020

If you’re submitting to track A, please use the submission portal (see "More information" link below). If you’re submitting to track B, please email us.

Questions concerning this call may be sent to: gender@youngscholarsinitiative.org

More information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lN7yQiSGFKuIFcQ3me7HpBhW3Y8Wy0w0/view