II Mercosur SME Network Research Colloquium for PhD and Master’s students

*We are happy to share this even organized by the YSI Working Group: Urban and Regional Economics. *

The colloquium is a reflection and interaction space between researchers and PhD and Master's students (academic) for discussing thesis proposals in Management, Economics and other social sciences interested in local development and SMEs. The general objective of the event is to promote and disseminate research, contribute to the development of research capacities, and strengthen community and institutional cooperation.

The event foresees three meetings; two will be virtual, and the last will be in person, as a pre-conference event of the XXVIII Red PYMEs Conference (Cordoba, Argentina).

Apply here: https://ysi.wisdmlabs.net/project/641c60f78045a577a0da5d7d/event/641c8e38ab605002b331a638

Important dates:
· June 26: Submission and funding application deadline
· July 28: Notification on acceptance and funding via email
· September (TBC): First Virtual Meeting. (Participants will receive further instructions via email).
· September 26-28: II Mercosur SME Network Research Colloquium for PhD and Master's students (Cordoba, Argentina)

Preliminary program in Cordoba (Argentina):

September 26: Welcome and methodological workshop
September 27: Parallel sessions
September 28: Workshop and closing session.

Please, visit the website to find out more info: https://bit.ly/coloquio-redpymes

Feel free to contact us!

Thank you