International Workshop in Montevide 2023 | NEW DEADLINES

YSI | UDELAR | ECLAC International Workshop 2023

PhD and Early Career Researchers International Workshop:

Structural Change, Social Inclusion and Environmental Sustainability: New Perspectives and Policies in Economic Development.

We are happy to invite PhD candidates and Early Career Researchers to submit their work to the International Workshop 2023 which will be held between 7-8 September in Montevideo, Uruguay.

If you have already submitted your application and have not received confirmation, please contact:

Organizing Working Groups: Keynesian Economics, Latin America, Financial Stability and Complexity.

Political tensions associated with rising inequality, geopolitical rivalries weakening the multilateral system, financial instability, environmental issues, and persistent technological and productive asymmetries among developing and developed countries, are the current challenges of the international economy. Different paradigms in economics are trying to explain these crises and design policy responses to move towards sustainable development in its three dimensions, economic, social and environmental. Post-Keynesian, Structuralist, Institutionalist, Evolutionary, and Schumpeterian economists, among others, have contributed to the debate and expanded the opportunities for a pluralist conversation and cross-fertilization. This workshop aims to bring together researchers from different intellectual traditions and countries to discuss their research results and ongoing research advances on these major topics.

This workshop aims specially to promote the participation of Phd students and young scholars (3 years since earning a PhD degree) working in the following areas:

  • The political economy of structural change and income distribution
  • Economic, industrial and technological policies for a fair transition
  • Models and empirical analysis on gender, caring society and development
  • Center-periphery and the reshaping of the international insertion of the periphery
  • Macroeconomic policy effects on structural change and income distribution
  • Historical interpretations on structural change and multidimensional inequality
  • Financial instability, debt and the financing of sustainable development
  • How to combine different insights from different schools of thought, highlighting their complementarities and / or points of discordance
  • Multidimensional poverty and the Sustainable Development Goals
Extended abstracts and full paper submissions:

Interested scholars are invited to apply to the workshop by submitting an extended abstract (1000-1500 words). The paper selection follows a blind review method. The major prerequisites for acceptance are completeness and relatedness to the required topics. Submitted work will most likely be considered if it is fully readable and does not lack substantial sections. We encourage authors to send their abstract in English, Portuguese or Spanish. Full paper submissions are accepted written in English, Spanish or Portuguese.

Workshop presentations:

In the workshop, mentors will give feedback to the participants. The workshop will be organized in different sessions according to the research topic.

Possibility of publication: A selection of the papers submitted for the workshop will be published in a special issue of PSL Quarterly Review (

Financial support:

Financial support is available, although resources are scarce. In this sense, it will only be given to scholars who are based in the region. Please indicate the need for funding in the application. In case of acceptance, organizers will contact details about the amount granted. In case the paper is in co-authorship, finacial support will only be provided to the preseting author. The rest of the authors, while welcome to the attend the workshop in person, will not receive financial aid to cover their travel expenses. Important deadlines:

Important dates

Reception of extended abstracts (1000-1500 words): From 1st January until 23th April 2022
Acceptance announcement: 31th May 2022
Full paper submissions: 15th July
For any questions regarding the call, please contact:


Academic Committee: Verónica Amarante, Luis Bértola, Carlos Bianchi, Camila Gramkow, Fernando Isabella, Florencia Jaccoud, Mercedes Menéndez, Lucía Pittaluga, Gabriel Porcile, Verónica Robert, Carolina Roman, Danilo Spinola, Giuliano Yajima

Organizer Committee: Carlos Bianchi, Jimena Castillo, Tiago Couto, Fernando Isabella, Florencia Jaccoud, Nathalie Marins, Pablo Marmisolle, Anaclara Martinis, Mercedes Menéndez, Helena Morais, Santiago Picasso, Gabriel Porcile, Maximiliano Presa, Giuliano Yajima