YSI Regional Convenings

Dear all,
As you may well be know already, we are moving forward with a comprehensive regional event schedule. These events are designed to be medium (100+) to large scale events (200+) that attempt to bring young scholars together from the region and involve a good number of our working groups. These events will require a large amount of preparation, so we want to plan them well ahead of time. The Trento Festival of Economics (31 May – 3 June) will serve as our YSI Europe Convening and from 19-21 July we are planning a YSI Latin America Convening led by Cecilia Rikap of the States and Markets Working Group. We are currently in the initial planning stages for regional convenings in Africa, East Asia, North America and South Asia in late 2018/ early 2019.

Each working group is invited to participate and organize working group activities at the regional convenings. We will limit expensive transcontinental travel to a minimum, and try to maximize local and regional participation.

YSI Europe Convening | 31 May – 3 June | Trento Festival of Economics
Similar to previous years, we will participate in the Trento Festival of Economics. This year the newly formed INET Commission on Global Transformation will have its first formal plenary meeting at the Festival. This gives us the opportunity to leverage speakers from the Commission and the Trento Festival itself. We therefore won’t be inviting additional mentors. Our hotel block is currently at around 100 beds for the duration of the Festival.

4 March Last day to confirm WG's participation
Please contact Jay Pocklington (jdp@ineteconomics.org)
12 March Start broadcasting the event with all the confirmed WG and dates
19 March Launch CFP / public announcement
22 April Initial deadline for submissions
24 April Real deadline for submitting contributions / papers
1 May Send acceptance emails to participants
10 May Announced due date for receiving confirmations from participants
11 May Real due date for receiving confirmations from participants / registration opens
31 May YSI Europe Convening begins

YSI Latin America Convening | 19-21 July 2018 | Buenos Aires
YSI will organize a series of events in the month of July in Buenos Aires, culminating with the YSI Latin America Convening. The activities are being organized by the States and Markets WG, Latin America WG, and Financial Stability WG. The main organizer of the YSI Convening is Cecilia Rikap of the State and Markets WG.

  • From July 10th to 13th, YSI will be supporting the IDAES-Universidad San Martin Winter School. The activity will provide an opportunity to learn about regional economic challenges.

  • On July 16th, YSI scholars working on innovation, development and policy issues can apply to participate in Lalics (Globelics in LA) PhD students’ Forum.

  • On July 17th to 18th, YSI scholars will be able to participate in the I Conference on Development Planning "Julio H.G. Olivera". The conference aims to generate an open and plural debate space on the necessity to design and plan a development strategy that leaves behind the State versus Market antagonism, developing a new understanding on this relationship. Call for papers for this event is open and YSI scholars are encouraged to apply.

  • The YSI LA Convening will take place from July 19th to 21st. In the process of deciding on the theme of the convening, as well as organizing the call for papers and structure of the event, YSI would like to encourage WGs interested in attending to express their intentions. The purpose is to allow all the participating WG to jointly define over the next weeks the main elements of the event.

For more information on any of these activities please contact either the States and Markets WG or the LA WG.

4 March Last day to confirm WG's participation
Please contact Jay Pocklington (jdp@ineteconomics.org) and Cecilia Rikap (ceciliarikap@gmail.com)
12 March Start broadcasting the event with all the confirmed WG and dates
2 April Launch CFP
27 April Initial deadline for submissions
4 May Real deadline for submitting contributions / papers
11 May Send acceptance emails to participants
20 May Announced due date for receiving confirmations from participants
25 May Real due date for receiving confirmations from participants
19 July YSI Latin America Convening begins

Working Group Participation
If a working group is interested in participating in a regional convening, please contact YSI management and/or the main organizer (listed above).

  • Each working group can nominate up to three organizers (maximum one from outside the region) for each regional convening. This is a good opportunity to seek out members of your working group to become organizers and to continue to build balance and diversity amongst our organizing teams.
  • You may choose to develop a CFP with other working groups or to make it specific to your working group.
  • Mentors: We are currently exploring the option for working group to invite mentors for the Latin America Convening. We will update the interested working groups shortly.

Thank you all for your great cooperation. We look forward to continue to build out our community and we look forward to a successful 2018!