Monday 17, READING GROUP: “Capitalism. Competition, Conflict, Crises”

We live in turbulent times in which there is a paramount need to develop all-embracing theories capable of conceiving our experience in a more rigorous, coherent and complete way. Anwar Shaikh has accepted this challenge and proposes a general theory of contemporary capitalism in his recent book “Capitalism. Competition, Conflict, Crises”. With this premise in mind, and after a project that was born in the Europe Convening, the States & Markets Working Group is launching a reading group on Shaikh’s book.

Session 1: Monday 17, 6.30pm CET/ 13.30 Argentina time.
For the first session of our reading group, we will discuss the introductory chapter. We want to suggest all the interested young scholars two questions that could help you guide the reading for this session:

What is the need, if any, of a unified or general theory for explaining current capitalism?
Where should that theory start from?

Here you have the link to participate:

Hope you join us in this long-term project!!