YSI Webinar: “Environmental crisis and the Pandemic in Latin America”

Dear Sustainability members,

See below an interesting webinar that minght interest you!

The Latin America and Economic Development Working Groups invite you for the YSI Webinar: "Environmental crisis and the Pandemic in Latin America" with Camila Gramkow.

Start: September 16 2020, 12:00 pm (NY time)
Duration: 90 minutes

In the next episode of the YSI Webinar series on the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis in Latin America, we turn to the environmental crisis in the context of the pandemic.In this meeting, we will host Camila Gramkow, who holds a PhD in Climate Change Economics from the University of East Anglia (UK). She is currently an Economic Officer at the ECLAC/UN working with the Big Push For Sustainability initiative. She has published, in 2019, the ECLAC/UN report: “O Big Push Ambiental no Brasil Investimentos coordenados para um estilo de desenvolvimento sustentável” (https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/44506/1/S1900163_pt.pdf)