2nd Energy Innovation Bootcamp FSR/YSI – Call for Papers

The Young Scholars Initiative (YSI), in association with the Energy Innovation Area of the Florence School of Regulation (FSR ), would like to invite young scholars to submit their work to the 2nd Florence Energy Innovation Bootcamp. The event will be held in the Florence School of Regulation (Florence, Italy) on 26-28 November 2019.

About the event
Energy transitions imply disruptive innovation. The 2nd Energy Innovation Bootcamp aims to bring together young scholars to discuss industry adaptation to technological and institutional change. The perspective of industries as complex and evolving systems opens the discussion to topics on industrial dynamics, networks, interactions, and heterogeneity. In the context of energy transitions, we ask how the industry evolves and how it induces innovation. That is an opportunity to bring together a broad view on technological and institutional aspects, and cross-fertilize those streams in a co-evolutionary perspective.

The Bootcamp activities pay constant attention to operationalization. The young scholars will find an open environment to bring their contributions from theoretical developments and empirical analyses and to target results into operational proposals for researchers and public and private decision-makers. To that end, we aim at combining views from fields such as economics, engineering, political sciences, law, social sciences as well as business and management.

We welcome candidates with interest in innovation aspects within energy industries. Instances of those interests include, but are not restricted to:

· Studies on co-evolution between institutional and technological development

· Financial aspects of policies oriented to promote energy transitions

· Studies on social impacts of energy transitions

· Structural change as a driver for energy policy

· Complexity approaches to understanding energy transitions

· Models of complex economic systems: ABM, networks, statistical learning

· Local, national or supranational case studies (special interest in developing countries)

· Technology policies as an alternative to energy policies in energy transitions

How to apply
Please send proposals to the FSR event coordinator: chiara.canestrini@eui.eu. Please specify Institution and Base Country.

Deadline: September 28st, 2019

Eligibility: young scholars (Graduate students, Ph.D. candidates, Postdocs) and early career researchers working/interested in the topics of the event.

Requirement: an abstract or a complete paper in English. There are no format or length requirements.

Submissions are free of charge. Financial support is available for selected students. Please indicate the need for funding in the application email.

The Format
The event consists of three full days of intense activity.

· Each day, we start with presentations aimed at giving a broad view on a relevant topic. After that, knowledge stations aim at providing horizontal discussions on specific research questions or methodologies.

· During the afternoons, academy seminars take place. Participants have the opportunity to present and discuss their own research with experienced mentors and other participants of the academy.

The major requisites to be accepted are completeness, clarity, and relevance of the work. We take into consideration regional diversity and gender equality criteria.

The list of selected participants will be published on October 21st, 2019.

Please do not hesitate to contact FSR (chiara.canestrini@eui.eu) or YSI (energybootcamp19@youngscholarsinitiative.org)

The event program will be announced soon.

Best Regards,

YSI Complexity Working Group
YSI Sustainability Working Group
YSI Latin America Working Group