Behavior and Society Working Group


We explore the relationship between individual behavior and institutional and socio-economic structures. Join us to draw upon  psychology, sociology, neuroscience, and philosophy, as well as behavioral and experimental economics.

Daniel Fernando de Souza
Iva Parvanova
Leigh Caldwell



Research themes

  • Behavioral Economics
  • Decision making
  • Emergence of social phenomena from individual/psychological effects
  • Neuroeconomics
  • Cognitive Economics
  • AI & Behavioral Science

Research Question 

  • Recognizing biases inherent in its thought, is it possible to build a better kind of economics?
  • How does human behavior differ from the rational agent in economics and what are the consequences for economic theorizing?
  • How do emotions impact economic behavior?
  • Where do economic preferences come from, and what are they?
  • What is the role of narratives in economic decisions and behavior?
  • What is the social role of economists?
  • How can we account for the influence of power in economic analysis?
  • How do culture and economic decision making interact?
  • What is the impact of AI on society and human behavior?
  • How can we construct the microfoundations that reflect the heterogeneity of all market agents?

Other Projects Planned 

  • Workshop on AI, Technological Change, Behavior and Society

Existing partnerships and cooperation 

  • Cognitive Economics Society
  • London Behavioral Economics Network
  • Interdisciplinary Corruption Research Network


You’re welcome to join any webinar or reading group at any time. You’re also invited to apply to present or participate in an any in-person workshop in your area. 



The latest updates and announcements, sent out to all working group members via email.
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State of the Field Report – share your thoughts!
Hi everyone, There seems to be an error with one…
August 13, 2020
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Share your take on the state of the field!
Hi everyone, We are excited to invite you to contribute…
August 11, 2020
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YSI Virtual Plenary – Behavior and Society WG Call for Papers & Abstracts
Dear all, We would like to share with you the…
July 8, 2020
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