Complexity Economics Working Group


Economies and societies are complex and evolving systems. We explore their dynamics, networks, interactions, and heterogeneity. 

Rutuja Uttarwar
Solomon Owusu
Tiago Porto



Research themes

  • The economy as a complex system
  • Complex analysis for innovation and technological change
  • Capacity building, systems of innovation and knowledge systems
  • Methodologies in complex economics
    a) Agent Based Modeling
    b) Structural Change
  • Economic complexity as part of a study of productive structures
  • Measuring complexity
  • Knowledge Economics or Science Policy
  • Complexity in demographic research
  • Complex climate change models and energy innovation
  • Philosophy of complexity

Research Question 

  • What patterns in the economy contribute to global inequality? How are they related to Economic Complexity?
  • How can complexity help in the understanding of economic development and technological catch-up? How it can be used as a methodology for policymaking and policy-design
  • How economic complexity is related to trade? How is international trade shaped or is shaped by the economic complexity of countries?
  • What are the relations between economic complexity and structural change? How they are interconnected
  • What encompasses complexity economics, how do we include ideas and theories that are on the periphery? Should we?
  • How do we incorporate ethics and morality in the use of complexity tools?
  • How can complexity theories help increase our understanding and reveal more about economic development, climate change, public policy?

Projects Planned 

  • 1st UFPR Winter School on Economics: Feminist and Gender Economics
  • Summer school on economic fitness and complexity
  • 6th Workshop on New Developmentalism
  • Symposium dos BRICS
  • YSI | UDELAR | ECLAC International Workshop 2023
  • 4th Unicamp International School on Development Challenges
  • Workshop on Structural Change and GVC trade
  • ICAPE conference
  • Complexity: A Guided Tour’ Webinar
  • Schumpeter Conference Special Session

Existing partnerships and cooperation 

  • FGV-SP
  • United Nations University (UNU-MERIT)
  • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
  • Center for Economic Complexity (NeX, Curitiba)
  • Sant’Anna University Economics Department
  • International Schumpeter Society (ISS)
  • The Vilfredo Pareto Doctoral Program in Economics – University of Turin / Collegio Carlo Alberto


You’re welcome to join any webinar or reading group at any time. You’re also invited to apply to present or participate in an any in-person workshop in your area. 



The latest updates and announcements, sent out to all working group members via email.
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