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Innovation and growth in a globalized world

YSI Pre-Conference to the 64ª Riunione Scient

Start time:

October 18, 2023 - October 21, 2023



Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Lazio




One of the main features of globalization has been the increase in the international movement of factors. While the debate on the free international mobility of people remains open to discussion, there is no doubt that the international movement of capital and goods has dominated much of the international debate in recent decades (O ́Brien & Williams, 2020). In particular, the transnationalization of corporations has resulted in important increases in foreign investment, with annual flows rising from 192 billion dollars in 1991 to 1.631 trillion dollars in 2019, reaching a peak of 3.133 trillion in 2007 (World Bank, 2021). Initially concentrated in the global north, FDI have become increasingly relevant for developing countries in terms of both inflows and outflows, used as a route to development through the import of technology (Lall, 2003; Spencer, 2008). At the same time, processes of polarization and core-periphery dynamics related to the asymmetric distribution of knowledge and technological capabilities took place in advanced and developing economies alike. By the same token, international fragmentation of production and digitalization are reshaping economic hierarchies contributing to the rise in inequalities, both within and between countries.

An important part of the academic debate focused on knowledge and technology transfer as ways to promote catching up in developing countries. On the contrary, other scholars have addressed the relevance of the creation of local knowledge to promote sustainable growth. Likewise, a large body of literature investigated the role of GVCs and technological change in explaining growth patterns, convergence/divergence dynamics and inequalities. In this context, industrial policies come to the fore as key tools to promote catching up and, more broadly, to increase economies’ resilience vis-à-vis global shocks. Against this background, the Italian Economic Association is organizing the 64th Annual Conference (RSA) to be held at the Gran Sasso Scientific Institute (GSSI) in L’Aquila from October 19th to 21st. The conference will feature as distinguished keynote speaker Prof. Mariana Mazzucato (University College London).

The YSI Economic Development group would like to invite everyone to participate in the pre-conference, which will take place in Rome at Sapienza University on October 18th, as a prelude to the main conference in L’Aquila. This pre-conference, sponsored by the Italian Economic Association and Sapienza University of Rome, aims to promote an exchange between young scholars, allowing them to present their research and strengthen networks with fellow students and academics working on these topics.

To apply, interested participants are required to submit an abstract on one of the following topics:
• Growth, technology and structural change
• Patterns of deindustrialization in core and peripheral countries
• Innovation, FDI and Global Value Chain
• Inequalities
• Industrial policy

The deadline for abstract submission is June 30th, and the selection process will be based on the clarity of the proposal, research methodology and (preliminary) results. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by July 1st, and full papers (or extended abstracts with results) must be submitted by September 15th.

For some of the selected students, YSI will provide grants to partly cover travel expenses and/or accommodation for the events in Rome and/or Aquila. If you would like to apply for a grant, please indicate your interest in the application form.

Finally, please note that the main conference follows a separate application process. To promote the collaboration between the YSI pre-conference in Rome and the main conference in Aquila (19-21 October, 2023), we kindly request that the selected participants should attend both events, even when not presenting a paper at the Conference. Registration for the “64th Annual Conference” can be found here: https://www.siecon.org/it/64a-rsa-gran-sasso-science-institute-gssi

Application link: https://forms.gle/DthbcNN98BkiHnGy6

Organizing committee:
Clara Andresciani
Elisa Coltrinari
Vicente Ferreira
Nicolo Geri
Santiago Graña-Colella
Jelena Reljic
Ignacio Silva Neira
Jacopo Tramontano

For more information, please contact:


YSI Pre-Conference to the 64ª Riunione Scientifica Annuale (RSA) of the Società italiana di Economia (https://www.siecon.org/en/64th-annual-conference-gran-sasso-science-institute-gssi)

Hosted by Working Group(s):