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Young Scholars Workshop at the ICA-CCR AP Research Conference

Young Scholars Workshop at the ICA-CCR AP Research Conference

Start time:

December 11, 2019 - December 13, 2019



NeW Space, University of New Castle, Australia, Callaghan, New South Wales, 2308



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Framing research to be relevant to the current economic and academic climate can be challenging for Young Scholars. Particularly when research areas are different in their cultural and economic contexts to current literature.

This Young Scholars Workshop is designed to bridge the gap between doing and presenting research.

Workshop Program:
Each workshop participant (maximum of 6) will be assigned a mentor who will review their research in advance of the workshop. During the workshop, each participant will be invited to present their research. Their mentor will then be given time for feedback. This process enables both the participant presenting the research as well as participants in the audience to gain valuable insight and perspective about how one body of research can be contextualized from different perspectives to maximize impact. There will also be time allocated for general Q&A from the audience.

Presentation format:
10 minutes to present research
10 minutes for feedback from mentor
10 minutes for general Q&A

To be considered for the program please submit an abstract of no more 350 words and include a list of at 3-5 keywords to Conferencefbl@newcastle.edu.au. Your abstract must comprise relevant references and include institutional affiliation, and email addresses for lead and co-authors.
Abstract Submission Deadline: July 15th, 2019.

Hosted by Working Group(s):
