2019 Peer Review Project (HET and Philosophy of Economics)

The Philosophy of Economics and the History of Economic Thought Working groups invite the Young Scholars working in this area to join the first round of the Peer Review Project of 2019.

Participants can join the project both as author or only as reviewers. However, it is good to have in mind that for each paper submitted, one will have to review one paper from other YS. See the specifics bellow.

We would like to invite all Young Scholars interested in taking part on this project to send their papers to philecon@youngscholarsinitiative.org by March 31st 2019 with the following information:

Complete Name
Current position
Areas of interests
Possible languages (Spanish, Portuguese, French or English)
Papers should be no longer than 9000 words

Please, send this submission with the specific subject, "2019 Peer Review Submission” and the paper attached.
We would like to reinforce that papers in progress are more than welcome. The idea is for helping people improve the work.

We also invite people interested only in commenting papers. In this case, just send an email with your personal information and the subject as "2019 Peer Review Comments".

We will distribute the papers received by the beginning of April, and reviewers will have one month to send their commentaries back. We will also make available format suggestion of format and tips for the reviews, which were suggested to us by editors of journals in the field of History of Economic Thought.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us through the above e-mail or philecon@youngscholarsinitiative.org.

Best Regards,
Julia Marchevsky (Cedeplar-UFMG) and Ian Almeida (Cedeplar-UFMG)
Philsophy of Economics and History of Economic Thought WGs