Axel Leijonhufvud Trento Summer School | 3-14 June, 2019

Dear Young Scholars,

We are happy to announce the 20th edition of the Axel Leijonhufvud Trento Summer School taking place from 3-14 June, 2019. Given INET's heavy involvement in this year's summer school, we highly encourage applications from members of YSI. The application window is open until 15 April. Please find further details below.

Macroeconomic analysis finds itself in an unsettled state. While the international evidence provides vivid instances of the limits of the self-regulating capacities of economic systems, much of the literature keeps relying on schemes where disturbances are rationalized as consequences of extraneous shocks or postulated frictions. Still, the field has also shown a search for better arguments and representations. The 2019 School will explore, without prejudices, a diverse set of analytical alternatives that have been proposed to narrow down the gap between macro theory and the phenomena that motivate interest in the subject. One of these lines of research refers to deviations from the standard perfect markets benchmark, resulting in macroeconomic externalities and incentive effects that may distort financial decisions, with undesirable aggregate outcomes. Another focus of the School shall be placed in arguments which trace unsustainable macro performances from inconsistencies in expectations and behaviors, sometimes refreshing traditional insights like JMK's “beauty contests” or “islands model” formulations of segmented economies. As it has been a maintained practice of the School, the 2019 session will gather lecturers and students with a clear motivation to engage in open-minded discussions of analytical and modeling possibilities, and to address both theoretical and applied issues.

Tiziana Assenza, Toulouse School of Economics
Nelson Barbosa, São Paulo School of Economics
Guillermo Calvo, Columbia University
Roger Farmer, University of Warwick
Daniela Gabor, UWE Bristol
Edoardo Gaffeo, University of Trento
Perry Mehrling, Boston University
Cynthia Mei-Balloch, Columbia Business School
Franck Portier, University College London
Andrea Roventini, Scuola Sant’Anna Pisa
Roberto Tamborini, University of Trento
Adair Turner, INET
Martin Guzman, Columbia University and University of Buenos Aires (school director)
Daniel Heymann, University of Buenos Aires (school director)

Intended audience
The School is intended for advanced/candidate phds, post docs and junior scholars. Each year we accept about 25-30 students at the doctoral or post-doctoral level and junior scholars.
Young scholars interested in participating in the Summer School are encouraged to fill in the application form online.

Admission procedure
The application window ends on 15 April, 2019 (h. 12.59 pm GM+1).

Admissions will be announced on 30 April, 2019. All applicants will be informed via email.

The participation in the School is free of charge.

All participants are required to stay for the entire duration of the event. Food and accommodation will be covered by the School (except for meals during the weekend) and participants will have to cover travel expenses.

Please direct logistical questions to the Summer School secretary: .