Call for Abstr: ICA European Research Conference- Berlin 2019

Dear Young Coop Scholars,

the next European Research Conference on Cooperatives organized by International Cooperative Alliance and the Humboldt University, will take place from August 21-23 2019 in Berlin, Germany.

Please notice that we have reduced fees of 60 EUR for the first 25 Young Researchers joining the conference!

Deadline for abstract submission is January 29, 2019.

I encourage you to submit your abstract and to participate in the Conference. Prof. Markus Hanisch is doing great work to foster young scholars researching on cooperatives – I had the pleasure to participate in a conference in 2017 organized by Markus and his team.

With love,


ICA – CCR European Research Conference Berlin 2019

Cooperatives and the Transformation of Business and Society
Conference Chair: Markus Hanisch, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (

Details and news:

New technologies, global environmental hazards and increasingly integrated markets are transforming
the pace and principles of social interaction. Modern cooperative businesses actively contribute to
fundamental changes of political, business and cultural environments. In the process, cooperative
principles and organisational concepts themselves become the subject of renovation and revitalisation.
The ICA – CCR European Research Conference 2019 in Berlin will discuss the role of cooperative
organisations in ongoing transformations. What could be the role of organisations based on voluntary
membership, economic cooperation, and democratic rule in key areas such as business transformation,
sustainable resource management, the democratisation of service infrastructures, or civil society
activation? What are the new areas and spaces cooperative business models may occupy?
What contributions could cooperative networks and associations at different levels of aggregation make?
At the level of single entities, conference participants will discuss how cooperatives manage changes as
well as how cooperatives influence the speed by which members and communities are affected. Across
societal and organisational levels, participants will discuss the role of cooperative networks and
associations as potential knowledge brokers and co-designers of the process of transformation.
Conference contributions may cover a wide range of connected research themes at different levels of
social interaction. Empirical as well as conceptual work will be presented and discussed.