Call for Abstracts | Festival for New Economic Thinking

Call for papers 

Edinburgh YSI Annual Plenary

The Schumpeterian tradition states, through the notion of innovation, the relevance of qualitative changes in the productive structure as the central aspect related to growth and economic development. This tradition is at the core of innovation studies, conceptualized as the use of ‘new combinations’(Technological Change) brought forward by ‘new men’ (Entrepreneus) and inserted in a market structure. From a Shumpeterian perspective, we would also like to emphasize that this phenomenon of innovation is context-dependent. Paraphrasing Hyman Minsky’s reference to the varieties of capitalism, there are as many varieties of innovation ‘as Heinz has pickles’. Moreover, innovation is increasingly understood as something that occurs not only in the domain of a private enterprise but also in the public sector and governance. Referencing the idea of an Entrepreneurial State, we observe empirically that national governments not only design innovation-friendly business and regulatory environments, but also activelly innovate themselves. In the aftermath of the global financial crisis, a new emergent context challenges us with rethinking innovation policies, technological trajectories and its contribution to sustainable and inclusive economic development. Our emphasis, therefore, is on which direction we shall re-think economics of innovation, its financing and its potential in order to face contemporary challenges.

  • We welcome contributions from the following streams of research (but not limited to):

• Organizational innovation
• Innovation policies for the 21st century
• Governance of innovation
• Financing of innovation
• Long-term finance: state-owned development banks
• Green technologies and innovation
• The Rhetoric of Innovation in Contemporary Society
• The political economy of tech companies
• Innovation, Productive Process, and the conflict between labor and capital
• The development of the productive forces and the relations of production in the Digital Age

  • Special Collaborative Session with the Financial Stability and Law Economic and Finance Working Groups
  • FinTech between speculation and regulation

Financial innovation is an important aspect to foster increases in economic and technological development. Financial liberalization and deregulation as well as rapid development of ICT changed the traditional view that observes financial support as complementary to the productive structure. Financialization became a goal in itself. Financial Technologies (FinTech) has emerged recently and it is believed to challenge traditional financial intermediaries, most notably banks, and is increasingly promoted by pro-competition authorities and policy makers. Meanwhile, financial institutions innovate in response to existing regulations in order to overcome its constraints, thereby contributing to inherent financial fragility, from a Mynskian’s systemic perspective. Therefore, to effectively regulate and to ensure financial stability, but not to hinder competition, regulatory authorities face multiple challenges. Our focus is on the fine line between financial innovation and speculation as well as the interplay between innovators and regulators.

  • Special Poster Session

• Evolution of production structures (smart factory, industry 4.0, IoT)

The birth of the Internet of Things and its implementation in production structures is considered as the first step towards the 4th industrial revolution and the creation of smart factories.
The shift that the technology provides is a leap forward from the process of digitization to the one in datafication; where it allows huge flow of data in real time to be part both production and decision making inside the firm.
For this special poster sessions, we welcome contributions that present a visual evolution of the actual space of productions (plants, factories) starting from the Industrial Revolution to nowadays.

For inquiries:

In order to apply click here: **DEADLINE AUGUST 21