CALL FOR APPLICATIONS –YSI Pre-Conference workshop at 28th IAFFE Conference

The Gender and Economics Working Group of YSI and the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE) are organizing a pre-conference workshop for young scholars at the 28th IAFFE Conference in Glasgow, Scotland (
The workshop is an opportunity for young scholars working on themes related to gender and economics to meet senior feminist scholars, present their work and discuss it in a forum which brings together young and senior scholars from around the world.

The workshop will begin with a keynote speech introducing Feminist Economics after which participant will break into small thematic groups, led by senior feminist economists in which the work of young scholars will be discussed. Thematic groups will be oriented to cover the following areas:

care economics,
labour market,
feminist economic thought,
development and inequality,

The workshop (link) will be held on Wednesday, June 26, 1:00pm – 6:00pm, and is open to anyone who is registered for the 28th IAFFE Conference and wishes to take part in it and there is no additional fee to attend it.

If you wish to actively attend the workshop, please submit a max 500 words STATEMENT, in which you describe a challenge you face in the course of your research when addressing issues related to gender (i.e. availability of data, difficulties in finding definitions, methodology, research direction, publishing, …) , a max 300 words ABSTRACT of your work, and the research work you would like to present according to the following guidelines:

Master's students- thesis research proposal or chapter from thesis
PhD students- thesis research proposal or chapter from thesis
Early career scholars- research paper (draft version welcome)

To apply, please, send an email to with your name, institution, position, country of residence, statement, abstract, thematic group in which you would like to be involved, and an attachment with your research work.

YSI will provide some travel grants and accommodation for young scholars traveling within the region. If you wish to be considered for a travel grant and/or accommodation, please, **specify it in your application.

Deadline for applications: April 19**

IAFFE will provide some travel grants for young scholars from the Global South. If you wish to apply for the IAFFE travel grant you will need to complete the form at the following link by April 15: