Call for Papers: 4th Annual Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Network of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Economics in Latin America and the Caribbean (RIE by its acronym in Spanish) aims to promote the study, dissemination and training of innovation and entrepreneurship issues in Latin America.

RIE, IDB, Universidad del Rosario and YSI invite you to send research papers on Economics of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the 4th Annual Conference of the Network, which will be held in Bogotá, Colombia on July 22 to 24, 2020.

Join us with our keynote speakers:

  • Bronwyn Hall, University of California at Berkeley
  • Pierre Mohnen, Maastricht University
  • Giorgio Triulzi, Universidad de los Andes

More info here

The selected papers will be commented and the Network will provide a limited number of partial financing for travel and accommodation, especially for young researchers and PhD students.

Empirical and theoretical research on innovation and entrepreneurship issues, mainly applied to Latin America, will be considered. Research on countries outside the region will also be taken into account. The submission of research in progress will be accepted through an extended abstract showing preliminary results.

Applications are due April 30th, 2020.

Paper submission:
Papers should be sent to ; until April 30 with the following subject: 4th RIE Conference. Those who submit papers to the special session of young researchers (under 35 years) should put the following subject: 4th RIE Conference for Youth.

Scientific committee: Juan Miguel Gallego, Matteo Grazzi, Fernando Vargas, Erika Badillo, Roberto Alvarez, Simone Sasso, Carmen Contreras, Diego Aboal, Ezequiel Tacsir and José Miguel Benavente.
Organizing committee: Fernando Vargas, Juan Miguel Gallego, Erika Badillo, Luis H Gutiérrez, Mateo Cardona, Mario Alejandro Nieves, and Mary Kaltenberg

This event is possible thanks to the generous support provided by: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Universidad del Rosario, ALIANZA EFI, and YSI-INET