Call for Papers – Conference Developments 2019 – Bilbao

The Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) is excited to announce a new call for papers. The Keynesian Economics and the Financial Stability working groups are jointly organizing a graduate session at the 16th International Conference Developments in Economic Theory and Policy that will take place in Bilbao (Spain), on the 27th and 28th of June, 2019.

The conference is organized by the Department of Applied Economics V of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, the Cambridge Centre for Economic and Public Policy, Department of Land Economy, of the University of Cambridge, and The Cambridge Trust for New Thinking in Economics (More information is available here:

At the conference there will be a Special Session with an Invited Speaker on the topic of “Frontiers of Heterodox Macroeconomics” and one Keynote Speaker: Professor Jan Kregel (Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, and Tallin University of Technology).

For the YSI session, we encourage contributions related (but not limited) to the following topics:

· New developments in Macroeconomic theory
· Sources and policy responses to financial and economic crises
· Financialization of the economy and its effects on the productive structure
· Alternative Macroeconomic models (e.g. Stock Flow Consistent, Agent Based, Kaleckian, Minskian) related to issues such as macroeconomic policy, macro-financial instability and inequality.

All applicants must submit an abstract in English (3000 characters maximum) and a motivation for attending the conference (1000 characters maximum). The submission deadline is March 19th . Decisions will be made in mid-April and will be based on clarity, relevance and originality of abstracts outlining the research question, method and (preliminary) results. In case of acceptance, full papers, including an abstract of max. 200 words are due by May 24th. Accommodation and partial travel support will be offered for selected participants.

Submit your applications by filling out the following form:

YSI event link:

Questions concerning this call may be sent to the organizers, also on the email:

More information on the Young Scholars Initiative and the Working Groups that are organizing these sessions (Keynesian Economics, Financial Stability) may be found at the Young Scholars Directory: