Call for papers INEM Conference!

Dear all

Please see below the call for papers for the INEM (International Network for Economic Method) conference, to take place on August 28-30 and the workshop that will be held the day before organised by our group (27 August) in San Sebastián, Spain.
For those of you who know the conference, you know how much fun it has been in previous occasions––leaving aside that it's perhaps the most important conference in the Philosophy of Economics (methodology).
The workshop is still being planned, but please do consider submitting an abstract and save the dates for the 27-30 August.

See the call for abstracts below and don't hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. The deadline has been extended for us to have a chance to submit, so please do so. I can assure you won't regret it.

All the best




The 13th conference of the International Network for Economic Methodology will be hosted at Palacio de Miramar, San Sebastian (Spain), August 28-30, 2017

Keynote speaker: Diane Coyle (University of Manchester/BBC/Enlightenment Economics)

Update: INEM will team up with the Young Scholars Initiative of the Institute for New Economic Thinking and hold a special workshop for graduate students. In order to give the Young Scholars some time to circulate their call for submissions, we have decided to extend our deadline to March 8

Proposals for contributed papers as well as symposia (of 3-4 papers each) are welcome in all areas of philosophy of economics, including the methodology of economics, ethical aspects of economics, and foundations of rational choice theory. Submissions that combine different areas of philosophy of economics with each other are particularly welcome. We especially encourage submissions from graduate students and members of underrepresented groups.

Abstract submission

Please submit an abstract (up to 1,000 words) through Easychair:

Symposia proposal submission

Please submit your proposals through easychair:

The proposal should contain a short abstract (500 words) plus a pdf document (1,500-3,000 words) with a clear explanation of the topic as well as three short abstracts of the papers. Please include the contact details of the symposium chair and all authors (name, affiliation, email address) in the pdf. Make sure you mention that the proposal is a symposium in both the title and the short abstract.

The (revised) deadline for submissions is 8 March, 2017. Acceptance will be communicated soon thereafter.

Scientific committee
Anna Alexandrova (Cambridge)
Erik Angner (Stockholm)
John Davis (Marquette)
Brian Epstein (Tufts)
Francesco Guala (Milan)
D. Wade Hands (U. Puget Sound)
Aki Lehtinen (Helsinki)
Caterina Marchionni (Helsinki)
Julian Reiss (Durham) (Chair)
Don Ross (University College Cork)
Ana Santos (Coimbra)
Esther-Mirjam Sent (Radboud U.)
David Teira (UNED)

Organising committee
Julian Reiss (Durham) (Chair)
David Teira (UNED)
Nicola Craigs (Durham)

Further information

Further information regarding registration fees (and reductions for graduate students) will be available later. Email:
