Call for papers: North America Convening

Dear All,
As part of the North America Convening,the Innovation Working group and the Complexity working group welcome submissions on these subjects:

1) The “Tech Economist” as an Expert: history and perspectives
What is the contribution of economists to auction processes, and market design practices at the firm or industrial organization level?
Why, how, and when did economists become integrated into the private sector (from transportation to insurance)?
The origins, roles, and influence of the “Tech Economist” on contemporary Tech Companies

2) Labor and Organization
What is the impact of coordination mechanism designed by “tech economists” on management, industrial relations, and social protection? (i.e. flexible hours, self-employed, and reckless workforce)
New Market Design

3) Online market design, mechanisms and/or incentives (crowdsourcing, Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk), steam, Google Play, etc.)
Auction and pricing (Amazon, eBay)
Designing and impact of reputation systems (Amazon, Yelp, Etsy)
Machine Learning and Network Analysis in Applied Economics

4) New forms of data and its application (Facebook, Yelp, crowdsourced data, web scraped data)
Machine Learning in economics (NLP, Classifiers, Neural Net, etc.)
Network analysis applied to innovation and/or new forms of data (Uber, Facebook, etc.).
We encourage interdisciplinary work that comes from sociology, political science, history or economics. We favor empirical work from the whole spectrum of methods and tools ranging from ethnography, archival work, interviews to methods of machine learning and network analysis.
Apply here:
Deadline: 18 December 2018