Call for Papers: The Hidden Part of the Melting Iceberg

Deadline: October 19th, 2020

We are looking for researchers to present in a session during the plenary meeting of the Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) of the Institute of New Economic Thinking (INET). The YSI Virtual Plenary will take place on 6-15 November, 2020 and the meeting will be online, normally at a time convenient to most participants depending on submissions.

This sessions will look at the links between greenhouse gas emissions and finance. How does finance pollute? What is on the balance sheets of banks and other institutions and how does this impact emissions? Who finances the most polluting companies on earth? Is divestment a viable strategy to start a green transition? What risk are related to investments into fossil fuel and what threat does that pose to global financial stability? How can monetary policy impact climate change? The session will also welcome any submission on green finance at large, green bonds and anything related to finance and climate change. We especially welcome participants in early stages of their research career.

If you want to take part, please send your CV and 150 words abstract to Alain Naef ( and Nicole Toftum ( by October 19th. Presentations are expected to be 15 minutes with 5 for questions.