Call for Papers YSI at the International Conference Minsky at 100

The Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) is glad to announce a new call for papers. The Keynesian Economics working group is organizing a graduate panel session at the International Conference Minsky at 100: Revisiting Financial Instability that will take place on December 16-17 2019 in Milan (Italy) at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Hyman P. Minsky, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan), Università degli Studi di Bergamo, and Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona) organize an international conference on “Minsky at 100: Revisiting Financial Instability”. The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars of different traditions/schools of thought to discuss the causes and consequences of financial instability in contemporary economic systems and to assess the legacy of Hyman P. Minsky. (More information is available here:

**Keynote Speakers:
• Michael Kumhof (Bank of England)
• Bruce Greenwald (Columbia University)

Round Table Speakers:
• Riccardo Bellofiore (Università degli Studi di Bergamo)
• Domenico Delli Gatti (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore)
• Jan Kregel (Levy Institute)
• Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (Università di Roma "La Sapienza")
• Engelbert Stockhammer (King’s College)
The YSI session welcomes submissions related to Hyman P. Minsky work such as the following issues:
• Modelling the Financial Instability Hypothesis along Minsky’s lines and beyond
• Financial frictions and the financial accelerator in contemporary macro-financial models
• Theory and empirics of financial deepening and financialization
• Banking supervision, macroprudential policy and financial regulation
• Bank and firm networks and systemic risk
• Financial instability and monetary policy: conventional and unconventional tools
• Shadow banking, securitization and the emergence of financial crises
• Excessive leverage, bubbles and the financial cycle
• Socialization of investment
• The role of the State as employer of last resort

To apply
All applicants must submit an abstract in English (3000 characters maximum) and a motivation for attending the conference (1000 characters maximum). The abstract submission deadline is October 28th. In case of acceptance, full papers, including an abstract of max. 200 words are due by November 30th. Accommodation and partial travel support will be offered for selected participants. Please notice that selected candidates will must pay their conference fee. The organizers of the conference kindly offer a reduced conference fee for students (100€).

Submit your applications to the following email:
Conference website:
Event link @YSI:
Questions concerning this call may be sent to the organizers, also on the email
More information on the Young Scholars Initiative and the Keynesian Economics Working Group may be found at the Young Scholars Directory: