Call for Papers: YSI @ FMM Conference

*Call for Papers* EXTENDED Deadline: July 15

*YSI Sessions @ 22nd FMM Conference "10 Years after the Crash: What have we learned?"

Berlin, 25- 27 October

Abstracts Deadline: July 15

Young Scholars Initiative Keynesian, Financial Stability and Complexity Working Groups

The 2008 Global Financial Crisis put the economics profession in the spotlight as the need was evident to deepen our understanding of the causes, effects and consequences of financial and economic crisis. After the crash, a torrent of criticism and new proposals flooded economics calling for a new ways of thinking and conceiving economic phenomena that can allow us to foresee economic crisis and prevent our societies to suffer the consequences. The 2008 crisis was an opportunity to rethink not only economic theoretical and modelling issues, but also for economic policy to rise to the challenge of the time. However, ten years after the 2008 Global Financial Crisis we are witnessing again stock markets and debt levels to rise as the economic recovery is at a slow path. The financial distress together with the troubled political situation is raising fears of a new economic downturn. In this context, the 22nd FMM Conference will be an excellent opportunity to ask ourselves: what have we learned from the Global Financial Crisis of 2008?

We are glad to announce two special sessions jointly organized by the Keynesian, Financial Stability and Complexity Working Groups.

For these sessions, we welcome contributions related (but not limited) to the following topics:
• Economic history of financial crises
• Sources and policy responses of financial crises
• Global economic imbalances
• Financial stability and regulation
• Instability in financial markets
• Financialisation of the economy and its effects on the productive structure
• Alternative Macroeconomic models (e.g. Stock Flow Consistent, Agent Based,
Kaleckian, Minskian) related to issues such as macro-financial instability and
• Complex theory applied to financial markets
• Empirical work in finance using complexity methods (i.e. Network Analysis)

All applicants must submit an abstract in English (400 words maximum) until July 15. Decisions will be made in early August and will be based on clarity, relevance and originality of abstracts outlining the research question, method and (preliminary) results. In case of acceptance, full papers, including an abstract of max. 200 words are due by 25 September. Accommodation and limited travel support will be offered for selected participants.

Submit your applications to the following email:
Event link:

Questions concerning this call may be sent to the organizers, also on the email

More information on the Young Scholars Initiative and the Working Groups that are organizing these sessions (Keynesian Economics, Financial Stability and Complexity Economics) may be found at the Young Scholars Directory: