CEWG in the Africa Convening. Aug 16-18. Harare, Zimbabwe

With great pleasure we would like to advertise the Call of Papers of the Complexity Economics Working Group for the YSI AFRICA CONVENING that will be hosted in Harare, Zimbabwe between the 16th and the 18th of August. YSI will cover flight ticket and accommodation of selected participants.

Please fell free to send us any question concerning the convening: complexity@youngscholarsinitiative.org

APPLY HERE: https://www.ineteconomics.org/events/ysi-africa-convening-1

Call for papers:
Complex systems science has revolutionized scientific fields from evolutionary biology to statistical mechanics, and economics is no exception. Some of the most interesting insights across the sciences and the humanities in recent years have, in one way or another, used complexity thinking or methods to succeed. The complexity universe spans simulations, network analysis, complex adaptive systems, and analytical methods borrowed from physics and mathematics. In this regard, the growing challenges in interpreting the current socio-economic reality demands the development of methodological tools that capture complex deep non-linear aspects of social phenomena.

We invite submissions from interested researchers on any topic within the area of Complexity Economics.

We welcome theoretical and empirical contributions in the development of economic complexity research in Africa. This call for papers is addressed to contributions in the following topics:

Models of complex economic systems

Agent-based modelling

Applications of economic, ecological, or social networks

Philosophy of complexity

Complexity and structural transformation

For all above topics, theoretical and applied work is equally welcome. Empirical research is highly appreciated and so is theoretical and conceptual work, including analytical and philosophical work as well as simulations. Submissions from all subdivisions of economics or its affiliated disciplines are adequate. Although abstracts are accepted, full paper submissions are preferred.

Questions concerning this call can be directed to: complexity@youngscholarsinitiative.org