CFP: FINEXUS Conference on Finance and Sustainability, 17-19 Jan, Zurich

Dear Young Scholars,

We have been invited to participate in the 2nd FINEXUS Conference in Zurich. If you are working on sustainable finance we encourage you to submit a paper. You can find the details below.


Dear Colleague,

We cordially invite you to submit an abstract for a short presentation/poster during the 2nd FINEXUS Conference “Closing the Gaps between Finance and Sustainability” taking place on 17-19 January 2018 at the University of Zurich (room AULA KOL-G-201).

Within the conference you will have a unique opportunity to share your research ideas with leading scientists, policy makers, and industry experts.

Submissions: Submit your abstract in the registration form by December 15th

Aims and scope.Reconciling sustainability and finance requires narrowing the current gaps between analytical methods, financial instruments and governance processes. Following the success of our 2017 academia-focused conference, we now expand the discussion in the FINEXUS 2018 Conference to include policy makers and industry professionals. Practitioner sessions present success stories from leading experts and discuss how the insights from research could help to address the challenges faced by the financial industry and by policy makers. Research sessions report the latest findings from leading scholars in the field and discuss the future avenues of research.

Key panelists feature a Nobel Laureate, Chief Economists of development banks, Chief Officers of private financial institutions, multiple times best-selling authors, leading scientists and influential thinkers. A Key Panel Session will take place on Thursday, 18 January 2018, 17:30-19:30. Confirmed speakers include Prof. Joseph Stiglitz (Columbia University), Mr. Graeme Maxton (Club of Rome and former director of the Economist Intelligence Unit), Mr. Christopher Steane (Global Head of Lending Services at ING), Mr. Urban Angehrn (Group Chief Investment Officer and Member of the Executive Committee at Zurich Insurance Group), and Ms. Mafalda Duarte (Head of Climate Investment Funds).

In order to secure your seat, please submit relevant material and register here before December 15. You can find the preliminary program at the same page. If you have already registered, then you do not need to register again.

We look forward to seeing you at the event!


Prof. Stefano Battiston

Director of the FINEXUS Center for Financial Networks and Sustainability
Department of Banking and Finance
University of Zurich


The conference is supported by the EU project DOLFINS (grant no. 640772) coordinated by Prof. Battiston (University of Zurich), as well as by the Institute for New Economic Thinking (Research Program on Financial Stability, directed by Prof. Joseph Stiglitz, Columbia University).

Our mailing address is:
FINEXUS Center – Department of Banking & Finance, UZH
Andreasstrasse 15
Zurich 8050