CFP: INEM bi-annual conference, University of Helsinki, 19-21 August

The International Network for Economic Method (INEM), in collaboration with TINT – Centre for Philosophy of Social Science, University of Helsinki, is delighted to announce that its 14th Biannual Conference will take place in Helsinki, 19–21 August, 2019.

We welcome proposals for contributed papers and symposia in all areas of the philosophy and methodology of economics. We particularly encourage submissions that combine philosophy and methodology of economics with other perspectives on studying economics offered, for instance, by history and sociology of economics, ethics, political philosophy, as well as by feminist approaches and social ontology.

Keynote Speakers

Beatrice Cherrier (CNRS & THEMA, University of Cergy Pontoise)
Tiago Mata (University College London)
Diana Strassmann (Rice University)

Abstract submission: Contributed papers

Abstracts for contributed papers should be 550-650 words. Please prepare your abstract for anonymous review. Submit your abstract through Easychair: In the field “Other information and files” please select contributed paper as the submission type.

Abstract Submission: Symposia

A symposium is composed of three or four papers that address a shared theme. Symposium proposals should contain a short summary of the topic and motivation of the symposium (450-500 words) accompanied by short abstracts of the symposium papers (3-4 papers per symposium, 450-500 words each). Please prepare your submission for anonymous review. Submit your symposium proposal through Easychair: In the field “Other information and files” please select symposium proposal as the submission type.

YSI pre-conference workshop

As has become tradition, the YSI Philosophy of Economics working group is organising a pre-conference workshop. This time the workshop is "Women in Economics: Past and Present". The workshop is meant to offer an opportunity to take some stock on the progress made so far by women in economics and to address the challenges that still lie ahead. Prof. Diana Strassmann (Rice), founder editor of the journal Feminist Economics has confirmed her participation. As usual, some travel grants are available for young scholars who want to participate in the workshop and conference. Interested scholars should submit their application to the conference website as stated above and send an email to indicating that you want to be considered for the grant.

Any questions regarding the workshop and other YSI affairs should be submitted to


The deadline for both abstract and symposium proposals submissions is 17 February, 2019. Acceptance will be communicated by the end of March, 2019.

More information

For more information, please see the conference website at If you have any other questions (not the workshop), please contact Pekka Tolvanen (