Credit Booms Gone Bust (Webinar Series and Conference Invitation)

Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff tell the history of financial crises as a tale of excessive public debt. But what more commonly drives financial instability is excessive private debt. Financial crises are credit booms gone bust. But what are the driving forces underlying credit expansion and contraction?

This collaboration between the Economic History, Financial Stability and Complexity Working Groups aims to introduce young scholars to the frontiers of research on private debt and credit cycles. We are honored to welcome three top notch scholars in the field who will hold lectures on their ongoing research agendas. Selected attendees will be invited to attend INET's Private Debt Initiative conference in New York, 20- 21 June, 2019. THose selected will be provided with a travel stipend and accommodation.

Young scholars who would like to attend the PDI conference should send their CV and a short statement of motivation (max 500 words) to

We will have presentations from three senior scholars on a respective topic between April and May. For a preliminary outline of the webinar series, see the plan below. At the conference young scholars will have to chance to meet a large number of outstanding academics, practitioners, central bankers and journalists working in the field of private debt.

For more information please visit the project website:

Webinar Outline:

* 4th April     Prof. Moritz Schularick (University of Bonn, INET), 1 p.m. (EDT)
* 18th April    Prof. Matthew Baron (Cornell University), 1 p.m. (EDT)
* 8th May       Dr. Alessia De Stefani (Danmarks Nationalbank), 10 a.m. (EDT)