Deadline Reminder: YSI at the ICAPE at University of San Diego

YSI at the International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE) at the University of San Diego.

Title: Pluralistic Teaching in Economics

Organizers: Jenny Tue Anh Nguyen and Surbhi Kesar

Theme: Workshops on pluralistic teaching, designing curriculum and a course pluralistically, and publication process for pluralists.


The 2008 global financial crisis has had a huge impact on research and teaching in Economics, particularly by raising questions and challenging the way economists are being trained. It has highlighted the inadequacy of the existing economics curriculum to seriously engage with the real-world economic issues and has brought forth the need to think beyond the ‘standard’ textbook models. In order to evolve into serious researchers and policy-makers, the economists in training need to be aware of the social and economic realities, of limitations of textbook models, and how to move from learners to practitioners or independent researchers. However, ironically, the existing training has not succeeded in supporting this agenda.

In most of the universities across the world, the curriculum is predominantly based on a specific school of thought, which continues to remain hegemonic despite the crisis. This has important implications on the way generations of students are trained, discourses are formed, and realities are shaped. Although there have been certain attempts to make the curriculum more broad-based and to undertake a more pluralistic approach towards teachings, such attempts have been few and have remained quite peripheral. Further, even if young academics wish to design the course pluralistically, they are often constrained by their own training in such narrow non-pluralistic paradigms.

In this event, we plan to conduct workshops on pluralistic teaching, designing curriculum and courses pluralistically. This will equip academics with the basic tools necessary for introducing economics to students in a pluralistic manner. Along with that, we also plan on conducting a workshop on the publication process, particularly given that avenues for those working in non-mainstream economic thought is rather limited. This workshop will particularly engage with practical as well as philosophical (such as, why to publish, role of publishing the the process of knowledge creation, etc) aspects of publishing.

Since the ICAPE conference and this event will take place parallel to the ASSA conference, we particularly encourage relatively young academics entering the job market, who will be involved in designing new courses, to attend the workshop.


The event will consist of 3 thematic workshops (90 minutes to 105 minutes each) and a social event. The themes of the workshops will be:

Pluralism in Economics and Pluralistic Teaching
Designing a Pluralistic Curriculum for Economics – Assessment of Current Curriculums.
Publication in Economics: A Practical Guide for Pluralists
We encourage advanced graduate students and early career researchers who are already planning to attend ICAPE/ASSA to apply for the event.

Steve Pressman, Colorado State University
Enid Arvidson, University of Texas at Arlington
Jennifer Cohen, Miami University
Nathan Sivers Boyce, Willamette University

Applications include a motivation letter (300 words) and CV. The letter of motivation should mention how your research or work is related to the theme of the workshop and how you will benefit from it.

Deadline for Bursary Application: November 01st, 2019
General Registration Deadline: November 10th, 2019


Young scholars including advanced graduate students and early career researchers are encouraged to submit an application to attend the workshop.

Successful applicants will:

Be invited to attend the conference of ICAPE. Conference registration fee ($100) is reimbursed upon completion of the workshops.
Be provided with accommodation from 03 to 07th of January 2020 on a shared-room basis (4 nights).
Be invited to the social event, funded by YSI.
Be invited to the gala dinner of ICAPE Conference
Limited travel stipends are only available for young scholars coming from North America (not nationality based) on the basis of financial needs. First come first serve. A request letter for travel stipend should be included in the application.

Young Scholars Initiative (YSI):
International Confederation of Associations for Pluralism in Economics (ICAPE):

Email Dr. Jenny Tue Anh Nguyen and Surbhi Kesar at