ECLAC Summer School – CfP – Inequality: Measurement, analysis and policies

Invitation to the seminar of ECLAC Summer School: Development in Transition Challenges – Inequality: Measurement, analysis and policies

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To promote innovative research on inequality measurement, analysis and policy and to celebrate its 20th Anniversary, the UN-ECLAC Summer School on Latin American Economies will convene a seminar on the 26th and 27th of August to bring together researchers from academia, think-tanks, business and non-profit organizations, the seminar will be held at the UN-ECLAC Headquarters in Santiago de Chile. The seminar will be co-financed by the European Union.

Research papers on all aspects of the distribution of income and wealth, the intergenerational mobility within these distributions, the measurement of vertical and horizontal inequalities and new tools and methodologies for measuring inequalities, are welcome. Topics that will be taken in consideration include, but are not limited to the following:

Intergenerational Persistence of Inequalities
To what extent are inequalities transmitted and reproduced across generations? What are the mechanisms behind this transmission? How can policies tackle the factors reinforcing this mechanism? What is the role of intergenerational transmission of earning capacity?

Measuring Income and Wealth Inequality
What are the challenges to measure the top tail of the income distribution (e.g. top 1%)? Which new sources of data are available to measure income and wealth? How can household survey data be reconciled with tax data and National Accounts? How can existing measures be used in a complementary way? What are possible improvements to data sources?

GIS (big) data and Inequality
Can Geographical Information Systems and Big Data improve our knowledge about inequality, its determinants and transmission mechanisms? What are the data sources available and the challenges in using them for measuring inequality? What are the links between geography and income and wealth inequality?

The Multiple Dimensions of Inequality
What key dimensions of inequality are relevant in shaping opportunities and welfare? How can they be measured? What are the relations between income inequality and inequality in other dimensions? How do these interactions affect policy priorities and policy instruments?

Each proposal should clearly explain the main research questions that will be studied, hypotheses, sources of data that will be used, and research methods and results. Additional supporting material, such as preliminary results or draft papers, are also welcome. Deadline for submission: July 10. Decisions about the proposals will be made by July 15. The final presentation to be made at the seminar will be due by August 10.

At least two papers per topic will be selected. Limited financial support is available upon request. Questions about the seminar and financial support may be addressed to