Elections for the YSI Community Report Committee

As decided at the YSI plenary in Budapest in October 2016 YSI will start producing community reports.

Elections for the YSI Community Report Committee will be held from March 17-31. The nomination process is open from March 3 (today) – 10 .

What is the YSI Community Report?
The YSI Community Report will provide a comprehensive overview of all ongoing YSI projects and activities. It will report on major developments within YSI and includes surveys and special reports on issues pertinent to the community. The report is drafted by the Community Report Committee (CRC) consisting of five members. Asgeir B. Torfason was nominated and approved as Chairman at the 2016 YSI plenary. The YSI coordinators have appointed two committee members, Maria Schweinberger and Marcos Reis . The two remaining members will now be elected by the community. Everyone who has a profile on the Young Scholar Directory is a member of YSI and will have the right to vote.

The responsibilities of members of the Community Report Committee entail:

  • Take part in the Community Report Committee meetings.
  • Have a broad interest in the projects of all YSI working groups.
  • Take part in the drafting the community report.
  • Conduct and mandate community surveys and special reports.
  • Be in touch with the coordinators to learn about the functioning of the working groups and projects, and to develop best practises and guidelines.

In order to vote, simply sign into the Young Scholar Directory from 17-31 March and submit your vote. Each YSI member may submit two votes. Statements of motivation of all candidates will be available on YSD, and a Q&A webinar with the candidates will be held on March 21, 3.00pm GMT. The complete rules for the election can be found here.

Am I eligible to run for the CRC?
Anyone with a profile on YSD can either nominate themselves to run or can be nominated by a coordinator.
Please contact crc@youngscholarsinitiative.org if you intend to run, and submit a brief letter of motivation. As an example, please find the statements by Maria and Marcos here.

Overview of the election process
Oct 2016: YSI management named Asgeir B. Torfason to be the chairman
Nov/Dec 2016: The 33 working group coordinators voted in the first round for Maria Schweinberger and Marcos Reis to represent them on the CRC
March 3: Nomination period for second round of the election starts
March 10: Nomination period for second round of the election ends
March 13: Candidates’ statements due
March 21: Q&A session
March 17 to 31: election period
April 1: results to be announced
April 4: declarations of non-acceptance due
April 5: CRC starts operating

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,
Asgeir B. Torfason
Chairman of the Community Report Committee