FINAL REMINDER: Young Scholars Workshop on Methods in the History of Economic Thought @ESHET 2017


**The Institute of New Economic Thinking Young Scholars Initiative (INET YSI) Working Group on the History of Economic Thought is organising a

Young Scholars Workshop on Methods in the History of Economic Thought

On May 17th 2017 in Antwerp, Belgium, before the Annual ESHET Conference**

Since most young historians of economic thought are economists by training, they are well-versed in economic or rather quantitative methods. Unfortunately, an economics background does not often include relevant methods for history of economic thought – such as qualitative or historical methods. As a result, young historians of economic thought are disadvantaged, struggling through their doctoral training trying to better familiarize themselves with different historical or qualitative methods essential for their research. This one-day workshop therefore aims to increase the awareness of and familiarity with historical and appropriate qualitative methods.

The workshop will be organized around selected texts on methods useful for history of economic thought. To be clear, the workshop will not discuss history of economic methodology, but rather appropriate methods for carrying out history of economic thought research. There will be two senior scholars with relevant methodological skills, who will both present and take part in discussions during the day. The workshop will include detailed discussions and activities on specific methods relevant to the field.

We encourage young scholars (including PhD level) researching history of economic thought to apply to this methods workshop. Please submit a 300 word motivation to take part in this workshop, including how it can help your research. Apply by filling out the following form: Some travel stipends are available.

The deadline for application is January 30th. Successful candidates will be notified by late February.

The workshop will be held on May 17th 2017, the day preceding the 21st Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, May 18th 20th in Antwerp, Belgium.

For further information and inquiries, please contact Maria Bach ( and Reinhard Schumacher (