Last Days to Apply! Pre-RSA Conference Workshop on Complexity and Regions

Pre-Conference Workshop on “Relatedness, Knowledge Complexity and Economic Development in Cities and Regions”

Santiago de Compostela, Spain
June 03-4, 2019
Deadline Extended: May 10, 2010

The YSI Complexity Economics, Economics of Innovation and Urban and Regional Economics Working Groups are glad to announce a Pre-Conference Workshop on “Relatedness, Knowledge Complexity and Economic Development in Cities and Regions” to be held before the Regional Studies Association (RSA) Annual Conference in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) on June 03-04, 2019.

The workshop is addressed to highly motivated PhD students in Regional Economics, Economic Geography or related fields interested in Complexity Thinking applied to urban and regional studies. It will provide students with the state of the art of this research area regarding theoretical and empirical methods, which may be related to their PhD thesis or their broader research interest. The workshop also offers the opportunity to connect students to a research community integrated by high profile researchers.

Format: The workshop will alternate lectures of well-known senior speakers and young scholar presentations where the invited speakers will provide feedback in their respective relevant sessions.

  • Lectures (Mornings): Presentations of the state of the art of the discipline on a specific topic elaborated on specific research questions or methodologies.
  • Presentations (afternoons): research presentation by the selected young scholars. They are designed to give attendants the opportunity to present and discuss their own research with experienced mentors and the rest of participants of the workshop.

We welcome contributions of PhD students related to the following topics to be presented during the event.

  1. Urban and/or Regional applications of Complexity Methods:
  • Agent-based modeling
  • Network Analysis
  1. Complex theory applied to
  • Inclusivity and/or Urban and Regional Disparities
  • Local and Regional Innovation Systems
  • Regional Resilience
  • Regional Path Creation
  • Smart Specialization Strategies

Those interested in interdisciplinary research, especially bridging a gap between these topics are strongly encouraged to apply. The applicant must submit an extended abstract in English (maximum of 10000 characters) of their research on Complexity applied to the urban and regional studies and a motivation for attending the workshop (maximum of 1000 characters) before May 10, 2019. Selection will be based on clarity, relevance and originality of abstracts outlining the research question, method and (preliminary) results.

The list of selected participants will be published in April and we aim to welcome up to 20 young scholars. YSI will cover accommodation in shared apartments or shared hotel rooms to all selected participants. Partial travel support can be offered for selected participants depending on funds availability. The workshop is free of charge.

Assistance is limited and interested students should apply for it when filling in the above form.

Submit your applications by filling out the form

For further information, please contact: or

More information on the Young Scholars Initiative and the Working Groups that are organizing these sessions (Complexity Economics, Economics of Innovation and Urban and Regional Economics) may be found at the Young Scholars Directory:

Please also note that admission to the pre-conference workshop does not extend towards admission to the main RSA annual conference, i.e. pre-conference participants who would like to attend the main conference will need to register for the main conference separately. The Regional Studies Association offers a 5% discount on the Annual Conference’s registration fee for YSI workshop participants.