Reminder: UNCTAD-YSI Summer School

Dear Coordinators and Organizers,

We still have a few spots left in the Organizing Committee of the UNCTAD-YSI Summer School. Committee members are invited to moderate a discussion within the school and help represent YSI.

Curious about taking part?

Email to receive an invite to the below onboarding calls. You are only required to attend one of two.

  • Onboarding 1 | Wednesday June 1st at 12-12:45pm ET
  • Onboarding 2 | Friday June 3rd at 9-9:45am ET

This is the fifth year that YSI is collaborating with UNCTAD on the Summer School. This year, the school will be held fully online, from 1-5 August. The preliminary program is as follows:

Challenges and opportunities of a new international economic order

2022 UNCTAD-YSI Summer School | 1-5 August 2022

The world economy is in flux. The period following the global financial crisis failed to address the stresses and fractures that led up to it. The looming climate catastrophe, covid shock and conflict in Ukraine have added further layers of complexity and heightened the uncertainty surrounding existing structures of global economic governance. The future direction the world economy is subject to multiple forces but ultimately it emerges from the intersection of economic interests and policy choices, at the international as well as the national level. Needless to say, policy actions taken by systemically more powerful advanced economies, beginning with the United States, continue to weigh most heavily on the direction of trade, financial and technology flows. But if a more balanced and stable international economic order is to emerge, developing countries will need to decide, both individually and collectively, what institutional reforms and policy choices they will need to take to ensure inclusive and sustainable development pathways. What is more crucial, all countries need to be part of the effort to construct the kind of international support that will be needed to support those efforts.

Day 1:

Keynote: History lessons | Perry Mehrling
Lecture 1: The financialization of everyday life: food, energy, care
Potential speakers: Mohan Rao, Lena Lavinas
Potential moderator: Anastasia Nesvatailova

Day 2:

Lecture 2: Is the global economy fragmenting
Potential speakers: Jamie Galbraith, Helen Thomson
Potential moderator: Richard Kozul Wright

Day 3:

Lecture 3: Technological divides: robots, data, and IP
Potential speakers: Antonio Andreoni, Benanav
Potential moderator: Rashmi Banga

Day 4:

Lecture 4: Trade beyond neoliberalism
Potential speakers: Susan Newmann, Faizel Ismail.
Potential moderator: Arjun Jayadev

Day 5:

Closing panel: Is a new international economic order possible
Potential speakers: Arjun Jayadev, Kevin Gallagher, Richard Kozul-Wright
Potential moderator:
