Survey for the Virtual Plenary 2020 (FLE WG’s State of Field Report)

Dear FLE Members,

We are glad to have this opportunity to quickly introduce ourselves as the new coordinators for the Finance, Law and Economic Working Group. We are also very excited for all applications we’ve received for our WG Plenary sessions, thank you for showing your excitements.

As one important preparation for this upcoming Plenary, we would also like to invite all members to share opinions and general insights in our short survey of the fields. The result of this survey will be used in formulating the State of the Field Report for our WG, which later will be presented in the Plenary. This report is an integral part in our governance process as it aims to facilitate a wider involvement from members in shaping our WG future mandates, project ideas and group discussions. It will also be used to identify and exchange major interesting development and new questions in our FLE research fields. Therefore, your contribution in this survey will be very valuable for our working group and the YSI community in general.

Please take few minutes to complete this survey here:

Thank you for your time and thoughts – we truly appreciate it.

Luisa, Christina and Limia