Webinar Series on Endogenous Money: Daniela Gabor on Shadow Money

This is a gentle reminder for the second webinar of the endogenous money webinar series :

Theory and Policy of Shadow money with Prof. Daniela Gabor (University of the West of England)
May 16, 2019 at 11.00AM (EDT time) – 5:00PM (Central European Summer Time)

This second session constitutes the first one focusing on the policy area. It addresses the economic-financial instabilities and political problems that arise from the expansion of shadow banks for both developed and developing countries.

References: http://eprints.uwe.ac.uk/35221/

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://ysd.ineteconomics.org/project/5cc96804a64d3e4a7058677c/event/5ccad678a64d3e4a7058cf63

Best regards,