WEBINAR: “What is Gender Responsive Budgeting and why do we need it?”

What is Gender Responsive Budgeting and why do we need it?

Join us for this Webinar!

Time: December 16, 2020, 15:00 (Timezone: Europe/London)

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://ysi.wisdmlabs.net/project/5fc226c4a21037043d5d4a02/event/5fc76d98a21037043d5ecf5d

Gender inequality manifests itself in many different ways. In the realm of Economics, feminist economists have pointed out how the different roles played by men and women in the economy (both market and non-market) produces and reproduces unequal gender relations. Furthermore, they have worked on different tools in order to change this. Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) is perhaps one of the most popular developments in this field. Therefore, in this webinar, we will unpack what GRB is and discuss its potential and limitations to advance gender equality in the economic system.

This issue becomes even more important amidst the Coronavirus economic crisis, which is disproportionally affecting women and further exacerbating structural inequalities. In this context, developing and promoting tools that do not only address gender inequalities but also actively try to contribute to eliminating them becomes crucial.

With this goal in mind, we are partnering with the Women's Budget Group Early-Career Network to start this conversation. To kick-off the discussion, we have invited Dr Angela O'Hagan to make a presentation about what GRB is and why we need it. Dr O'Hagan is Reader in the Department of Social Sciences in the Glasgow School for Business and Society (GSBS), an academic activist on gender equality and gender budgeting, and a long-standing member of Women’s Budget Group in UK and Scotland and the European Gender Budgeting Network.