Young Scholars Development Programme on Input and Output Analysis

YSI-IIOA Development Programme 2020

July 7 2020 – July 7 2020


The Development Programme is part of the annual International Input-Output Conference and specifically targets the scientific development of young researchers using input-output data. Participants of the DP will be assigned an experienced discussant, which whom they share their written work with. The discussant will provide detailed advice on the style and structure of the paper, the choice of methods and data, suggestions about how to position the study relative to the existing literature and about how to appeal to a wider range of readers. Participants are encouraged to engage directly with their discussant on what kind of guidance they seek. During the programme, Young Scholars will present their work and can expect to receive individual feedback from their discussant as well as from peers and other experts in the field. The DP will benefit the participants through the rich inter-disciplinary environment that the conference will offer and the opportunity to connect and associate with an international network of researchers in the field of I-O analysis.
Applications to the Development Programme are processed by the IIOA. Thus, more information and the application form can be found on the conference homepage

YSI Support for Young Researchers

The Young Scholars Initiative will support the participation of highly motivated PhD students, post-docs, and early-career professionals who have been accepted as presenters in the DP. If you would like to be considered for YSI funding, an additional application is necessary through this project page after you have submitted your abstract to the main conference. Applications will open in February 2020 and selection is based on motivation and need for funding.
The YSI will provide travel stipends and two nights of accommodation for the selected presenters. YSI Management determines travel stipend amount depending on schedule and circumstance. Priority will be given to regional travel, although a small number of intercontinental travel stipends will be supported. Moreover, the YSI organines a Social Event, which will provide the selected participants the opportunity to socialize with the mentors, the YSI Working Groups representatives and other participants to build lasting relationships for fruitful future co-operations!

Overview and Steps for interested Young Scholars:

Abstract Deadline: January 31st. 2020
Full paper submission: April 3rd. 2020
DP acceptance notifications: May 1st. 2020
Registration until June 1st. 2020 (Early Registration May 15th.)

  • Step 2:
    Apply for YSI funding in a separate application which is administered via this homepage. You can apply before knowing the outcome of Step 1. However, only those who are officially accepted by the IIOA as participants in the DP will later be considered for YSI funding.

Application opens in January 2020
Deadline: April 3rd. 2020
Funding notifications: May 10th. 2020
For more information and questions regarding the Young Scholars Development Programme and YSI funding application please contact or