YSI @ ECLAC Alumni Workshop – 2019 | Call for Abstracts

Dear Young Scholars,

The Keynesian Economics and Latin America Working Groups are pleased to announce the call for abstracts for the YSI @ ECLAC Alumni Workshop to be held at the headquarters of the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (UN-ECLAC) in Santiago, Chile on the 30th-31st July 2019.


The YSI @ ECLAC Alumni Workshop traditionally marks the beginning of the ECLAC Summer School on the Latin American Economies. The call for papers for the YSI @ ECLAC Alumni Workshop invites contributions (theoretical or empirical) on topics which are relevant for the debate on economic development in the region.
Possible topics include problems of debt and development, sustainable growth, industrial policy, macroeconomics for development, the political economy of sustainable development, energy transition and climate change. The papers presented in the workshop will be discussed with other participants of the workshop and with professors and researchers associated with the ECLAC Summer School. Preference will be given for ECLAC’s summer school alumni. We will be able to offer full and partial travel support for selected young scholars.


Keynesian Economics Working Group
A Keynesian approach to economics supposes that output and employment growth of capitalist economies are constrained by aggregate demand. The Keynesian Working Group provides insightful discussions on how the Keynesian framework can help us to deal with the current depressed state of most economies.

Latin America Working Group
The Latin America Working Group studies one of the fastest growing regions of the past decade, but which is currently undergoing great economic turmoil. New approaches are needed to fight inflation, end corruption, and prevent deepening inequality in the Latin American context.


Submit your abstract here
Deadline: June 7th
Selected participants must submit the paper no later than July 24th.
Contact: kewg@youngscholarsinitiative.org or latam@youngscholarsinitiative.org